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Dementia Treatments

a nurse and patient discuss dementia treatments

a nurse and patient discuss dementia treatments

Figuring out exactly what condition is causing dementia can be difficult to determine. However, if your doctor successfully finds an underlying cause, treatment may be possible. While most types of dementia are not easily treatable,  there are many medications and other options that can at least help manage the symptoms.

Thankfully, there are a few types of dementia that are caused by medical conditions that can be treated and even reversed. For these types of dementia, treatment will vary depending on what exactly is causing the condition. For example, if a B-12 deficiency is causing symptoms, then taking vitamin supplements can reverse the effects. Similarly, if hypothyroidism is the culprit, then taking thyroid hormones can be beneficial. Sometimes, a medication’s side effects can cause memory loss and confusion, so stopping or changing medications can reverse the effects. If a brain tumor is causing dementia-like symptoms, then surgery to remove the tumor can offer relief.


There are several medications that work to minimize the symptoms of dementia. The most common include:


Besides medications, certain therapies can also be very helpful for treating and managing some of the symptoms of dementia.


Progressive forms of dementia, such as Alzheimer’s, will get worse as time goes on. Therefore, the caregivers of people who are suffering from the condition will need to be able to adapt as the symptoms worsen. There are certain things that caregivers can do that will prevent situations from becoming overwhelming.

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