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Dry Eyes Treatments

a bottle of eye drops dropping liquid

a bottle of eye drops dropping liquid

For most people with occasional or mild dry eyes symptoms, treatment involves over-the-counter eyedrops, such as artificial tears, and other home remedies.

It's best to avoid eyedrops that reduce redness, however. If your dry eyes symptoms are persistent and more serious, your treatment options will depend on what's causing your dry eyes. Some conditions that cause dry eyes can be reversed or managed. Other treatments can improve your tear quality or stop your tears from quickly draining away from your eyes.

In some cases, treating an underlying health issue can help reverse dry eyes. For instance, if a medication is causing your dry eyes, your doctor may recommend a different medication that doesn't cause that side effect.

If you have an eyelid condition, such as an anatomic abnormality or a condition that makes it difficult to close your eye completely when you blink, your doctor may refer you to an eye surgeon who specializes in plastic surgery of the eyelids (oculoplastic surgeon).

If your signs and symptoms suggest an autoimmune condition, such as rheumatoid arthritis or Sjogren's syndrome, your doctor may refer you to a rheumatologist for evaluation.


Dry eyes can be caused by any number of things, including the environment, an underlying disease, or a side effect of medication. Because of this, finding a cure has proven difficult for researchers. There are currently no promising leads for preventing this condition, but they may soon be on the horizon, thanks to a study on tears from the National Science Foundation. Their research looks at the direction that tears travel across the eye when they are produced, and by examining “problem areas” where they have difficulty accumulating, it may one day be possible to redirect their flow in a more productive direction.


Prescriptions used to treat dry eyes include:


Treatments that may be used include:

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