5 Myths about Anti-Aging Products
Anti-aging products are in no short supply, but unfortunately many of them are not worth the exorbitant prices you’ll pay for them. Finding something that works for you requires a good bit of researching and debunking, so here are five myths that can keep you from getting the quality you’re looking for.
“Signs of aging are completely preventable.”
Regardless of a product’s effectiveness, after a certain point there’s nothing that can be done about the signs of aging. Getting older is an unavoidable part of life, and there’s no anti-aging cream or serum that can stop the process completely. While some products can help slow things down, you’re unlikely to find the fountain of youth anytime soon.
“Expensive products are better than cheap ones.”
Granted, some anti-aging products out there are costly because they’re effective, but lots of times a price difference can be chalked up to better marketing. Before you make a decision based on price tag alone, take some time to research the product and determine if it really works.
“If it hurts, it’s working.”
Many people are under the false assumption that a powerful anti-aging product has to be painful to be effective. However, this is rarely the case. It’s true that prescription treatments may be powerful enough to sting, but almost none of what you buy over the counter should be painful to use. In fact, if you are experiencing significant pain with any of your anti-aging products, that’s a good sign your skin is having a negative reaction to them.
“Natural anti-aging products are safer than synthetic ones.”
Thanks to some relentless and clever marketing, the term “natural” has become synonymous with safety, but this isn’t necessarily always the case—it’s possible for you to have an allergic reaction to natural ingredients just as much as synthetic ones.
“Topical products are all you need to deal with signs of aging.”
Anti-aging creams and lotions can help you deal with wrinkles and other problems, but keeping your skin healthy requires care that goes much deeper. Many people are unaware of this, but what you put into your body can have just as much of an effect as what you’re putting on it. A diet that is high in sugar can lead to inflammation and glycation—a process that causes the collagen in your skin to stiffen and form incorrectly. This can leave your skin looking dull and can lead to sagging and wrinkles. By using anti-aging products in conjunction with a skin-healthy diet you ensure that your skin is receiving all the help it can get.