Urinary Incontinence in Women

Are you one of the millions of women who suffer from urinary incontinence? If so, there is certainly nothing to be embarrassed about.
One trip to the supermarket will show you that many others are also suffering from this condition as you can easily see the vast number of pads, pants, and other incontinence supplies that are available.
In fact, most women will suffer from urinary incontinence at some point in her life, but some women will deal with the condition more than others. There are a number of causes of incontinence and a number of ways you can care for incontinence. By understanding your condition, you will not only realize that it is nothing to be embarrassed by but that hope is out there.
Two Main Types of Ongoing Incontinence
If you are a woman suffering from incontinence, you likely have stress incontinence or urge incontinence. These are the two types of ongoing incontinence, though there are short term incontinence issues that may be caused by medication, an infection or even constipation.
The first type of ongoing incontinence is stress incontinence. This type of incontinence is more common among women, and it occurs when stress is placed on the bladder. There are a number of causes of stress incontinence from sneezing and jogging to laughing and coughing.
The other type of ongoing incontinence is urge incontinence. This occurs when you have an immediate urge to urinate and simply cannot make it to a bathroom in time.
Causes of Ongoing Incontinence
You may be interested to know the causes of ongoing incontinence. There are actually a number of causes, including weak muscles in the lower urinary tract, disease, nerve damage, childbirth, weight gain or brain conditions. Unfortunately, it is also possible that a doctor might not know what has caused the incontinence. In order to try to diagnose the problem, you may need to go through a urine screening or keep a diary of your urinary habits. This information is important as it can help with treatment and prevention.
Treating and Preventing Incontinence in Women
There is not one treatment that is used for all incontinence as there are so many causes. Depending on if your doctor knows the cause of your incontinence, you may be able to do simple exercises, like Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor.
Other treatment methods can include medication and changes in lifestyle. For example, caffeine and alcohol can have a negative effect on the urinary tract. Quitting smoking and losing weight can also help. You can also do these treatments in order to prevent incontinence, as well. Finally, only a doctor can look at your situation and give you a definitive answer, so if you are suffering from incontinence, make an appointment, today. You could soon be on the road to recovery.